Reading More.

I was playing around with this new blog, and it seemed like a good time to start reviewing books. Not so much for other people to read per se, but instead to keep myself honest about how much reading I do. An attempt at persuading myself to read more often. To form a habit, backed up by a blog.

This all was loosely based on this video -

So, with these things in mind, it seemed logical to use this blog as a place to ‘journal’ my reading.

I’m also going to be “okay” with not finishing a book. I’d rather read something I enjoy, so If I’m not finding joy in the book, I fully plan on putting it down. Hopefully, this strategy leads to more books read, and less time “procrastinating” about something I’m supposed to enjoy. As a kid, I loved reading and constantly chewed through books - especially when given dedicated “reading time” in school.

Unfortunately, nobody gives you dedicated reading time as an adult, so I’m going to attempt to actively carve time out for it. Wish me luck!

TL;DR I need to do more reading before I die!

2024 Edit: Initially the way I scored books was to have this: …which was very cute but also a convoluted mess of font awesome icons…so I switched it to “4/5” which was way easier to write. However, I think I will change it one more time because 4/5 is sort of hard to tell what that means like how much better is a 4/5 vs a 3/5? So now I’ll use the following scoring format -

Rating Meaning Description
5 Amazing An amazing book and highly recommended
4 Great A good read, recommend
3 Decent It was a decent read, probably solid overall but with flaws
2 Meh It was okay or possibly below average; I probably wouldn’t recommend it to anyone
1 Poor / Awful I found it pretty bad, it maybe had a moment or two that were okay but on the whole it was not a good read / It’s possible I hated it